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New Document Module

Updated: 4/24/2020

Petukhova  Liubov Evgenievna - the doctor of education, professor, the Dean of the faculty of preschool and elementary education, honored educator of Ukraine. The head of the academic council of the faculty of preschool and elementary education. The member of the methodical council of the faculty of preschool and elementary education. The head of the arts council of the faculty. The head of the disciplinary commission of the faculty. The member of the admittance commission of the faculty. The member of the academic council of the university, the member of specialized academic council for defense of dissertations for the degree of Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences for the specialty 13.00.04, the member of the university administration, the member of editorial board “Pedagogical sciences”. The visitor-professor of the Pomorska Academy in Slupsk (Poland).



Навчальні курси: 

Історія педагогіки 

Методика викладання історії педагогіки у ВНЗ 

Програмні продукти:

Web-Мультимедіа енциклопедія "Історія педагогіки"

Web-Мультимедіа енциклопедія "Історія загальної та дошкільної педагогіки"

New Contacts Module


73000 м.Херсон, вул.Університетська 27, Херсонський державний університет, Факультет дошкільної та початкової освіти, деканат, ауд.212
